Monday, July 28, 2008

Pizza! Pizza?

So there is this dude in my office who is bound and determined to find the best NY Style pizza here in the LA area. SO he blogs about it. He has made this commitment to eat pizza everyday, or at least 5 days a week, to find that perfect slice. You can read his blog HERE.

Our office has grown quite fond of his many adventures in Pizza LAnd... We all try to help out in any way we can. So we, as an office, thought it would be funny to make him a cake for his birthday... Pizza Style. A few people approached me, knowing that I am the baker in the group, and asked if I could make him a cake.
So I did.

and this is how it turned out:

the recipe:
*a white cake batter made from scratch for the "crust"
(thanks to my loverly sister... the Mrs. Baker that taught me everything from how to mix it all together, to not opening the the oven door consistently.)

* red & green fruit roll ups for the pepperoni and "basil" (as everyone called it).

* vanilla icing w/ red dye for the "sauce"

* white chocolate grated on top for the "cheese"

* and most of all... a pizza box to deliver the cake in.
(which was a Papa John's box b/c his name is... well... John.)

It was a hit and super delish!! Everyone raved over it. And it made me super happy, I had so much fun making it. I'm thinking I might be in the wrong business... hmmm...


Laura said...

Honey, that is such a cute cake! You did a fabulous job! If you decide to open a bakery, let me know. I'm in. Love you!

Karrie Cox said...

that is pretty much the cutest cake i have ever seen! so much talent in one person it is just amazing :-)

its your mommy said...

Love the pizza cake!
