Monday, July 7, 2008

Happy Birthday America! {Part 2}

So I found myself sitting all alone on the 4th of July this year. It seems sad and quite pathetic really, but after the week was over and the 4th came around, I was glad to have some peace and quiet and time to myself. It was a good time to reflect and let out some emotions that had been building up. I spent the day laying around, cleaning, and watching movies. It felt good to just be lazy. I think we all need a lazy day from time to time. But after wasting away a whole day to my friend laziness, i decided to get all red, white, and blue and go out for a drive.

I was told by a few of my co- workers that if you go up to the roof of our building, you can see the fireworks from Studio City. apparently it's the best view in town. It sounded good to me... So I went to work, as I pulled up, there were many cars parked in our gated lot. I found it quite odd and didn't know what to think. So I got out anyway and heard all of America singing and echoing throughout the valley... I couldn't figure out if there were people on the roof, or if it was just from across the way. I tried to find the door to the roof. I couldn't figure it out. I need a key. No key. I didn't feel led to go venture off inside the building to try and get in, so I left. i was honestly scared that there were people up on the roof already.

So I head back towars home and am feeling really bummed out that I didn't get to see fireworks. It was then I realized I was a completely useless human being that day. It's almost 9:30 at this point and I get this feeling everything is over. But no. It was only getting started. I had forgotten a neighbor told me that you can see the fireworks from the top floor of our building, that didn't phase me until I saw the fireworks coming from the cool mountain behind my house. I followed them. I went up and around and over the hill, everyone was sitting outside, no traffic.... ahh the life. When you turn around you can look over the valley and see all of Burbank and parts of Hollywood and Studio City. I saw not only the fireworks right above me, but I looked out to the city and saw Studio City's fireworks as well. It was pretty cool, they were so small though from way up there. Unreal. So I finally found a perfect spot on the mountain, and got these few shots.

Oh darn.

All in all, it was a good night. I needed that time to reflect and regroup. I thought about it and realized, I have it pretty good, we ALL have it pretty good... We're not turning 232 years old like America is...

1 comment:

Mrs. Sweet Line said...

Cool, pics, but, um, America isn't 2008 years old, dear sistah... :)