Tuesday, July 22, 2008


I heart them.
Also Chris Martin's Curly Hair.

I saw them in concert last week with a friend of mine I used to know in Florida. She's the cutest thing ever. She reminds me of a very young Gram C. I think it's her looks and her laughter is what reminds me of her. Hah.

We had such a blast, although, the concert was pretty much in the ghetto of LA. Don't beleive me? We went through Taco Bell before hand, they had this plastic box, pull out thingy that came out to our window... basically barricading us and the workers.

Anywho... Coldplay never ceases to amaze me with their talent. This is my second time seeing them in concert. They know how to please an audience and make their music literally jump into your heart and burst with excitement. Every album gets better and better. It's an unexplainable feeling when I listen to them, especially live. You just had to have been there.

Cell phone cameras just don't prove justice.

Here are a few of the things Chris Martin said about the new album. It's something neat and satisfying in these words, I still to this day grow more respect for these guys despite all the controversy people have claimed towards them. They're good guys who have a passion for making music and performing. Nothing more, nothing less. They're just trying to live their lives like NORMAL human beings. They make bold statements, and good for them. Out of the norm is good. Good for them. Keep on Rockin boys. :-}

For those who haven't picked up the new album.
Do it.
It's pretty much genius.
This is what it looks like in case you forgot.

Coldplay's new album is called Viva la Vida. Singer Chris Martin chose this title after seeing the phrase, which means "long live life," on a painting by Mexican artist Frida Kahlo, who endured polio, a broken spine, and chronic pain for decades. "She went through a lot of shit, of course, and then she started a big painting in her house that said 'Viva la Vida,'" says Martin. "I just loved the boldness of it." - From RollingStone.com

"What i really love about that painting, and her in general, is that her colors were always so bright and vibrant and alive, and yet if you look closely, she's really aware of all the darkness." Martin, whose mother is a devout Christian, and who grew up in a church that was preoccupied with heaven and hell, cannot abide dualisms, "all this talk about happiness and sadness and darkness and light. Both things always exist concurrently. I am a happy guy, but I am also a very sad guy. It just happens to be at the same time." -
From SPIN Magazine

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