Thursday, October 30, 2008

A new addition...

Well, for those of you who may not know- I got a new kitty. My other one decided it would be a good idea to run away and leave me all alone... So I thought after a year of my Dashel's disappearance-- and my days of feeling a bit lonely out here- I decided to get a new addition to my family... Silly I know- but I love her.

Ladies & Gents- I introduce to you---

I couldn't help but think that this was the perfect name for her not only because it fits saying it when I walk in the door or the fact that her fur is a blondish- orange color- but her eyes give it all away!

and to my Dashel Robert Parr... May you Rest In Peace my dear ol' friend.
I miss you my crazy cowboy...

Monday, October 27, 2008

Pumpkin Patches and Experimentations.

I got to meet up w/ my cousin and her son again... We decided to go to a pumpkin patch... There were too many to choose from-- so I just posted my favorites! I just love this kid.

He's also picked up something odd... It's so wrong-- but so hilarious if you know the story.
These are the pictures that will haunt him the rest of his life and maybe just end up in his SR year yearbook.... bahah...

This is NOT photo- shopped- He only points with his middle finger w/ his right hand... Mel will see it and say "Point w/ the other hand..." and he'll point w/ his left hand w/ the pointer finger... it's really odd... He's not a bad kid I swear! Bahah...

I also asked the lady at the checkout counter if these corn thingys were edible. She looked at me like I was nuts and said...
"Well....... Not really.... But put one in your microwave and watch what happens."
Why I took her advice I don't know-
But later that week, my roomie and I did the unthinkable...
and put a whole dried up corn thingy into my microwave.
This was the outcome:

Sadly... It was very amusing that evening. You just had to have been there I suppose.

Friday, October 24, 2008


So my rommies and I decided to take a day trip up to Santa Barbara and check out a different area of California... oh and do that thing called wine tasting!

First Stop:
Beckmen Vineyards

Second Stop:
Brander Vinyards
{but they were already closed and we were kinda sad...}

Third and Final Stop:
{winery that is}
Bridlewood Winery

We got a little excited that it actually felt like fall up there.
Now this is pure joy!

To see more pictures of our many adventures...

Monday, October 20, 2008

Psalm 97

We had some fires hit close to mine and my sister's area a few weeks ago... It' about half way between each other's houses. They shut down the 118 for a while- meaning- I couldn't see the sister right away... Everyone is fine and well-- but I do have to say- Through devestation and destruction there is always beauty. These are pictures I took up on the cool mountain behind my house. It overlooks all of burbank and studio city- but you can also see out towards the fires. This is what came of it.

The LORD reigns, let the earth be glad;
let the distant shores rejoice.
Clouds and thick darkness surround him;
righteousness and justice are the foundation of his throne.
Fire goes before him
and consumes his foes on every side.
His lightning lights up the world;
the earth sees and trembles.
The mountains melt like wax before the LORD,
before the Lord of all the earth.
The heavens proclaim his righteousness,
and all the peoples see his glory.
~Psalm 97:1-6